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vendredi 13 janvier 2012

Open Questions About the Nurse and Friar Lawrence

Do the Nurse and Friar Lawrence give good advice?

Can you quote moments when they gave good and bad advice?

3 commentaires:

  1. Hannah and Carla:

    The Nurse is very protective with Juliet, she cares about her and is a good listener. She is Juliet's confidante and helps her with her relationship with Romeo. She tells Romeo "if ye should lead her into a fools paradise, they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour, as they say."
    It depends on the point of vue. She gives good advice for Juliette's Relationship but at the same time she brings her into a bad situation. Of course, she's only trying to help because she loves her, but sometimes she's too nice. She shouldn't try to say what Juliette would like to hear, but to say what's really helpfull.

    1. Conversly to you, my standpoint is that the Nurse and Friar Lawrence acted well. They are the only supportive people in Romeo and juliette's lives. Regardless of other peoples opinions evidently, Romeo and Juliette would have got married.
      They love is based on intense passion; it's a true, violent and ecstatic love that supersedes all other values, loyalties, and emotions : "Deny thy father and refuse thy name,” Juliet asks, “Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, / And I’ll no longer be a Capulet”.
      I think in Romeo and Juliette, the end could only be as dramatic as death.
      Lola Hilaire spé1

  2. The Nurse is extremely protective towards Juliet and does everything to please her as long as she thinks that what she is doing remains good for her. When she helps her to get married with Romeo, she follows her heart and imagines herself at 13 dreaming about a nice young man just like Paris (that she still prefers to Romeo) who would want to marry her.
    Friar Lawrence is just like the Nurse: all he wants to do is help the two lovers and at the same time banish the hate that rests between the Montague's and the Capulet's. He never lets neither Romeo nor Juliet down and does everything for them to be able to live together. When he gives the poison to Juliet he doesn't realize that he is leading the couple to their death and later on regrets what he did.
    In a way the Nurse and Friar Lawrence act well as they do everything to help Romeo and Juliet. But at the same time they bought lead them to a dramatic death. We then realize that they maybe should have been slightly more reasonable and should have done things whit more precaution. It maybe would have prevented the lovers from an accidental death.
