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jeudi 12 janvier 2012

Happiness vs. Sadness

Discuss how the motif  is seen throughout Romeo and Juliet.

Happiness and sadness in Romeo and Juliet occur all through out the story. For what they are sad about and what they are happy for differ through out the story.

In the beginning Romeo was sad and Juliet was also sad. They where both sad because of love. Romeo was sad because the girl that he loved did not love him back, she hardly even recognized him. Juliet was sad because she was being made to marry someone she did not love. This is going on thgrough out the play. Notice how they are sad about different but simmilar things. Roemo is sad for not being loved by the person he loves.Juliet is sad for being loved by who she does not love.
In the middle of the play Romeo and Juliet where both happy. For they have found true love for each other. Romeo has totaly forgotten his old love and sorrows. Juliet forgets of the pressure to marry for now. Juliet now looks to the furture more brightly. Despite the fact that they found true love they are, sad to find out that they are of different familes and can not marry. The sadness that they are different familes is there through out the play.
ALso in the middle of the play after they find each other they have a hidden marriage with each other. This also brings a short period of happiness. This is quickly taken away when Romeo is kicked out of the city.
Juliet comes up with a master plan to fake her death. When Romeo hears that Juliet died he rushes to her grave to see if this is true. When he reaches her she still looks dead. He killls himself in order to be happy with her. When she awakens and finds him dead she kills herself in order to be happy with him. After there deaths there respective families reconcile and are joined in happiness of being together and in the sadness of lost children.

2 commentaires:

  1. Happiness and sadness in Romeo and Juliet occur all through out the story. For what they are sad about and what they are happy for differ through out the story.
    In the beginning Romeo was sad and Juliet was also sad. They where both sad because of love. Romeo was sad because the girl that he loved did not love him back, she hardly even recognized him. Juliet was sad because she was being made to marry someone she did not love. This is going on thgrough out the play. Notice how they are sad about different but simmilar things. Roemo is sad for not being loved by the person he loves.Juliet is sad for being loved by who she does not love.
    In the middle of the play Romeo and Juliet where both happy. For they have found true love for each other. Romeo has totaly forgotten his old love and sorrows. Juliet forgets of the pressure to marry for now. Juliet now looks to the furture more brightly. Despite the fact that they found true love they are, sad to find out that they are of different familes and can not marry. The sadness that they are different familes is there through out the play.
    ALso in the middle of the play after they find each other they have a hidden marriage with each other. This also brings a short period of happiness. This is quickly taken away when Romeo is kicked out of the city.
    Juliet comes up with a master plan to fake her death. When Romeo hears that Juliet died he rushes to her grave to see if this is true. When he reaches her she still looks dead. He killls himself in order to be happy with her. When she awakens and finds him dead she kills herself in order to be happy with him. After there deaths there respective families reconcile and are joined in happiness of being together and in the sadness of lost children.

  2. Students from Mrs Cnockaert's English class, can you find any quotations from the play that have to do with 'happiness and sadness?

    Why do you think Shakespeare decided to make Juliette and Romeo sad and happy at the same time? What does it suggest about their destiny to be lovers?

    Do you respect Romeo's sadness concerning his love for Roseline? Do you feel it is true sadness?
